If Only

Wow, it’s been a minute… This post should have immediately followed my previous one – on my poem, ‘Bushwick Ave’. In my defense, I’m not actually into writing blog posts (#sorrynotsorry) and much has gone down since November 2020. For starters, I emigrated from the UK to Canada! Two years since my last entry, I’m…

Bushwick Ave

After ‘The #tpomarquarantinepoetry Series’, I took a break from sharing poetry online. Never from writing it. Just from posting it on this blog and/or my socials. Today, I’m sharing “an oldie” (but “a goodie”… hopefully you agree). This one doesn’t require much preamble or contextualization – I think. It’s about meeting that girl. (You know…


The week the Coronavirus national lockdown started in the UK, I decided to start a social-media-based poetry project: ‘The #tpomarquarantinepoetry Series’. By the time I announced this on my Instagram profile, I’d been on self-isolation for a couple of weeks and I’d already started struggling mentally: My health anxiety was severely aggravated, I’d not left…

To All the Girls I’ve Crushed On

The one where I’m extra swaggy… but also vulnerable and romantic and full of yearning – the kind that comes from the lack of closure (historical and anticipated). This poem goes out to all them (bicurious/closet-case) girls who showed varying levels of romantic/sexual interest, strung me along, were infatuated with me, lusted after me, loved…

Not with a Bang

The title of this poem is taken from T. S. Eliot’s ‘The Hollow Men’, from arguably one of the most overquoted stanzas in the history of poetry: This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper….


Written from the prompt ‘the Wheel of Fortune card in the Wild Unknown Tarot’, ‘Patterns’ is the third poem in the Instagram suite of poems, ‘The #tpomarquarantinepoetry Series’. To contextualize some themes in the poem, the following is an interpretation of the card in question: In the Wheel of Fortune card, we find ourselves in…

Where Do We Go from Here?

The second poem for the Instagram suite of poems, ‘The #tpomarquarantinepoetry Series’ was written from the following prompt: Mourning the loss of freedom and adventure. And if you can insert a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Easter egg – given the apocalyptic nature of it all – even better. I wouldn’t dare call the Buffy reference…


In many of the queer spaces I have inhabited for over a decade, I have observed and experienced how the toxic masculinity characteristic of heteropatriarchy has spun a web of femmephobic biases around anyone or anything perceived as feminine/effeminate/camp – portraying femmes as “less than.” For years, I have struggled with internalized femmephobia, often denying…

Sing, My Tongue

Of tongues singing in adoration, after coming to blows with the supremacist heteropatriarchy of nation-states. Of celebrating unbound passion, at the crux of all interpenetrating dimensions. Of climactic veneration of ceremonial vice, set amid a salubrious biome of nutritious blurs, where flesh and landscape are in indistinguishable form. Of spaces we can call our own…


The exclusive or/exclusive disjunction (symbolized by the infix operator XOR), is a connective in logic operations that yields true only when one (but not both) of the inputs/conditions is true. Sometimes expressed as “one or the other but not both”, the XOR operation can be written as “A or B, but not, A and B”….